If this feels like déjà vu, you’re not alone. Almost two years ago, we fought against an ill-conceived apartment complex proposal by developer Glenn Dew on Friendly Avenue (https://preservefriendlyavenue.com). The community rallied, spoke out, and preserved the integrity of our neighborhood. Now, another developer is back, attempting to push through yet another rezoning request that disregards the character of New Irving Park.
This time, developer BJ Johnson of Metamorph Investments wants to rezone 1201 Pisgah Church Rd to cram up to eight housing units on a small 0.86-acre lot. This proposal is entirely out of step with the existing neighborhood and sets a dangerous precedent for overdevelopment in our community.
Currently, 1201 Pisgah Church Rd is:
BJ Johnson’s proposal?
✅ More Traffic Congestion – The Pisgah Church Rd & Willoughby Blvd intersection already struggles with traffic flow. More residents will only make it worse.
✅ Increased Thru Traffic – Willoughby Blvd is not designed to handle additional cut-through traffic from a high-density development.
✅ Loss of Green Space – This land supports local wildlife, offers natural drainage, and maintains the wooded character of the neighborhood. Overdevelopment will destroy it.
✅ Out of Character with the Community – New Irving Park is a low-density, single-family home community. High-density housing in this location goes against the existing zoning and disrupts the neighborhood’s integrity.
We need your voice to help STOP THIS REZONING REQUEST.
📅 When? Monday, February 17, 2025, at 5:30 PM
📍 Where? Melvin Municipal Building, 300 West Washington Street, Greensboro, NC
If you care about preserving New Irving Park and stopping this unnecessary overdevelopment, please attend the Greensboro Zoning & Planning Commission Meeting and speak in strong opposition. Developers rely on community inaction to push through projects that benefit their bottom line at our expense.
Let’s clarify—New Irving Park is not for sale to overdevelopment.
Please spread the word, bring your neighbors, and let’s protect the future of our community!
– Nicky Smith
Candidate for Greensboro City Council, District 4