By Nicky Smith, Candidate for Greensboro City Council
Greensboro has long been a vibrant and dynamic city characterized by its steady growth and progress. However, as we celebrate our city’s accomplishments, we must also address an increasingly pressing issue: the rapid expansion into our rural areas. This relentless push for development has created friction between growth and the desires of rural residents, many of whom moved to these areas for their peace, open space, and a way of life removed from the hustle and bustle of urbanization.
The concerns voiced by rural residents in Northwest Guilford County are not unwarranted. These communities are experiencing the encroachment of urban development at an unprecedented pace, eroding the rural character they cherish. The noise, light pollution, traffic congestion, and crowded public services, now everyday realities in the city, are creeping into historically tranquil and pastoral areas.
One glaring issue with this unchecked expansion is the inadequacy of infrastructure and services to support it. The City of Greensboro has struggled to keep pace with its growth in recent years. Traffic on major corridors such as Battleground Avenue has become unbearable. Schools are overcrowded. Municipal services, including water and sewer systems, are being stretched thin. Yet, development continues to be prioritized over addressing these existing challenges.
Moreover, the push to extend municipal water and sewer services into rural areas is a double-edged sword. While such expansions make large developments possible, they also impose significant costs on existing taxpayers and further incentivize sprawl. These developments bring short-term economic benefits, but they often lack the long-term sustainability and infrastructure investment needed to prevent negative impacts on surrounding areas.
Many rural residents deliberately chose their way of life, valuing the privacy, natural beauty, and quiet that come with living outside city limits. It is not just about resisting change; it’s about protecting a lifestyle that prioritizes harmony with the land and a slower pace of life. Forcing urban density into these areas disregards their values and sacrifices the very reasons why people chose to live there in the first place.
Residents in towns like Summerfield and Stokesdale have repeatedly expressed their desire to preserve their communities. Yet, despite their efforts, development is moving forward at a pace that leaves little room for meaningful public input. We must ask ourselves: Are we listening to these voices? Or are we steamrolling over them in the name of progress?
Greensboro must adopt a more balanced approach to development—one that prioritizes sustainability and respects the character of rural areas. Here are a few key steps we can take:
Pause Annexations: The city should retreat from annexing rural land for new developments until we have a comprehensive plan that ensures proper infrastructure and services.
Engage Communities: Rural residents must be included as equal partners in discussions about the future of their areas. Their input should not just be heard but acted upon.
Preserve Open Space: Implement stricter zoning regulations and incentivize land conservation to maintain the rural character of outlying areas.
Focus on Infill Development: Instead of sprawling outward, Greensboro should prioritize infill development—redeveloping underused areas within the city to meet housing and business needs.
Enhance Infrastructure: Address the pressing infrastructure needs in existing urban and suburban areas before expanding further into rural regions.
We must remember that growth is not inherently good if it comes at the expense of our resident’s quality of life and the values that define our community. Greensboro has an opportunity to set an example of how to grow responsibly, balancing economic development with preserving our natural and rural heritage.
I am committed to advocating for thoughtful, community-centered policies that prioritize the well-being of all residents—urban and rural alike. Together, we can ensure that Greensboro’s growth benefits everyone and does not come at the cost of what makes our city and its surrounding areas unique.
Let’s tap the brakes and ensure we’re heading in the right direction before it’s too late.
Let’s build the future our city deserves. Greensboro is ready for a new era—let’s get to work.